


Listen and read Armenian tales, then participate

in our contest to win


First things first: This is not a lottery or a chance game.

This is a contest which consists of 50 tasks.

You have to discover 50 riddles, proverbs, messages hidden in our tales.

Submit correct answers and solve all tasks. Each correct answer will lead you to another task.

To move to the next task you need the password. This can be a word, a string of words, or a phrase.

You have to figure out that on your own.

It’s simple: the person who solves all tasks of the contest the fastest will be the contest winner and claim the contest prize.

Think, search, analyze and carefully read everything you see in front of you.

Involve your family and friends and increase your winning potential.

There is no limit on the number of attempts for each task.

You will need: paper, pencil or pen, and a printer could be useful to print out some of the tasks.

Skills required: no special knowledge or skills are required.

Everyday life skills and a good level of college education are sufficient to solve most of the tasks in our contest.

Restrictions: you can participate in our contest only if you have purchased Armenian tales.

Contest release date: December 10, 2018, 00:00 CET

Contest duration: 5 days

Contest cloing date: December 15, 2018, 24:00 CET 

And let success be with you.


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